"Pure Imagination" is a concert-style show that focuses on childhood classics like Seussical, Shrek The Musical, Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka JR., as well as Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr. and Frozen. Denmark Performing Arts will usher the audience through an unforgettable experience of theatre and song. Fun for the entire family!
Songs Include:
“ Pure Imagination” - Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR.
“ Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!” - Seussical KIDS
“ Beauty and the Beast” - Disney’s Beauty and the Beast JR.
“ Different” - HONK! JR.
“ Hola Lola” - Dear Edwina JR.
“ In Summer” - Disney’s Frozen JR.
“ Sparklejollytwinklejingley” - Elf The Musical JR.
“ I Won’t Grow Up” - Peter Pan JR.
“ Maybe” - Annie JR.
“ The Tummy Song” - Disney’s Winnie the Pooh KIDS
“ We’re In A Play” - Elephant and Piggie’s “We Are in A Play!” JR.
“ Revolting Children” - Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical JR.
“ Writing Down The Story Of My Life” - Junie B. Jones The Musical JR.
“ Freak Flag” - Shrek The Musical JR.